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Garrett AT Pro

Article number: 397

Garrett AT Pro is a universal detector that is waterproof up to 3 meters. 
The metal detector will find a thumbtack at 18 cm, a silver coin at 26 cm and a small gully at 77 cm. More depth numbers, see specifications above. 
It has good discrimination and all the important features that one would expect of a detector. In short, a good buy. 
Suitable for: 
Treasure hunt. 
Jewellery and coins. 
Beaches and shallow water.

In Stock (1)
Incl. tax:
959,22 €
{{ price }}
  • Description
    Garrett AT Pro is a competent universal detector that could be used for almost anything. It works just fine both on land and under water, down to 3 meters deep. Therefore , it is also perfect for finding objects on the beaches and a bit out of the water.
    The detector has all the important features :
    6 different programs ( modes) .
    20 discrimination "windows" that open or blocked as you want.
    Fine searching ( pinpoint ) .
    Automatic or manual ground balance.
    Depth Control .
    Power Meter .
    2 year warranty.
    The booklet ' Metal Detector - practical advice and tips , " are included.
    DVD with a Swedish film about how to detect , are included.
    DVD in English featuring a 55 -minute film on the detector.
    Standard headphones are included. ( Headphones for use under water is sold as an accessory. )
    We do not sell any " slimmed-down low-cost detectors ." Ours are complete, with everything that came with from the factory.
    Does not work as well in salt water as in fresh water.
    Looking not as deep as what the more expensive detectors do.
  • Specification
    Stort guldkorn 4 mm 1
    Häftstift 18
    Gevärskula 32 mm 32
    Silvermynt 21 mm 26
    75 mm vanlig spik 34
    100 mm vanlig spik 36
    Vanlig morakniv 42
    Gränsrör 38 mm 55
    Brunnslock/Däxel 77
    Stora metallföremål Ner till 100
    Teknologi VLF Very low frequency
    Frekvenser 15
    Diskriminering Ja
    Inbyggda minnesfack Nej.
    Sökspole 21 x 28 cm Dubbel D spole
    Variabel känslighet 1
    Pinpoint 1
    Volymkontroll -1
    Markbalansering Ja
    Tonkontroll Nej
    Siffer & grafisk display 1
    Belyst display -1
    Fler finesser & möjligheter Avancerad järndiskriminering
    Detektorn kan delas i 4
    Detektorns vikt 1,4 Kilo
    Största längd, utdragen 129
    Minsta längd, ihopskjuten 106
    Batterityp 4 st AA batterier
    Batteritid, NiMH-batteriet 20 - 40
    Batteriladdare för NiMH-batt Ingår ej
    Extra batterikassett Nej
    Batteritid, alkaliska batterier 20 - 40
    Varning för svaga batterier 1
    Kartongens storlek 55 X 37 X 15
    Total fraktvikt 3
    Bruksanvisning Engelska
    Hörlursuttag Ja
    Hörlurar Ja
    Inbyggd högtalare Ja
    Vattentät Ja, ner till 3 meter.
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